School Curriculum

School Curriculum

Odyssey's schools, including La Petite Ecole Hanoi, offer you the opportunity to send your child to nursery school from the age of 12 months and then on to kindergarten:


12 months


1st year of Kindergarten (PS)

3 years old


2nd year of Kindergarten (MS)

4 years old


3rd year of Kindergarten (GS)

5 years old


Chose La Petite Ecole Hanoi

We feel that it is vital for children to develop the fundamental skills that will allow them to enter primary school with greater confidence in an educational setting and with competent teachers. By choosing to enroll your child in a nursery at La Petite Ecole Hanoi, you will be giving them the opportunity to lay the foundations for harmonious development within a caring environment perfectly suited to their age. And most importantly, you will be allowing them to gradually embark on a genuinely solid bilingual adventure in which French will be coupled with English and the local national language.

Our preschool embodies a particular strength of the French education system: entry into learning from a very young age. Students learn to have clearer goals and are expected to develop higher expectations for their accomplishments. They would learn to enjoy the gratification of feeling as they grow and progress. Students would also grow to be aware of the advantages of education.

The primary goal of preschool is to assist each child in becoming self-sufficient in acquiring information and skills. Our French preschool adheres to the official French curriculum, which outlines specific skills to be learned. Learning is organised around growth and is accomplished through class projects.

4 reasons to chose La Petite Ecole Hanoi


A multilingual education

by native teachers


Access for pupils of all nationalities

regardless of their command of the French language


A perfectly safe environment


An active & caring education

that promotes the acceptance of pupils and the pleasure of learning

Give your child the best start TODAY!

Admissions for the 2024-2025 school year are open.